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Innovation is not for the faint of heart. The term has a desirable and exciting ring, but, beware, innovation frequently arrives in the guise of a sudden crisis, an economic downturn, a boneheaded coworker, an irate customer, or a disruptive technology. Usually, only by hindsight can we see that the events that forced our hand led to innovation.

Often innovation is driven by people or companies from outside an industry. The big stakeholders resist it and prefer to stick with established practices. 

Sometimes change is mistaken for innovation. However, change is only innovation if it leads to improvements. If it doesn’t, it is only change.

For Localization World Barcelona 2011 and Silicon Valley 2011, we are looking for proposals that show innovation in all its forms at work: forced, accidental or even “planned,” if such a thing exists.

Tell us how you innovated your global business practices, your translation and localization processes, or how you manage your global websites. Be boastful and innovative. Surprise us.

If the results of your innovation drive are not yet ready for show time, but you know about others whose accomplishments you admire, please tell us about them. We might contact them to see if they are interested in presenting at Localization World.

Localization World events in 2011 will be offering five distinct tracks and an attractive preconference program:
• Global Business Best Practices
• Localization Core Competencies
• Advanced Localization Management
• Managing Global Websites
• In-depth workshops and sessions on the preconference day

The theme is not meant to restrict the content of the conference. We encourage presenters to submit proposals that fit with the general taxonomy of the Localization World conferences.

Please submit your presentation online.


Presentation Schedule Proposal submission deadline: 21 January 2011
Notification of accepted proposals: 28 February 2011
Rough draft presentation due: 31 March 2011
Final presentation due: 3 June  2011
Publication Normally, all presentations are made available to registered Localization World attendees. We might also videotape some presentations to make them available as streaming video after the conference.
Speaker Registration All speakers and panelists are entitled to free admission to the conference on the day of their session. Speakers will need to register for Localization World using the discount code e-mailed to you before the conference.
Review of Presentation Proposals All papers submitted will be reviewed and evaluated by the Localization World Program Committee. The Program Committee may also suggest the formation of new panels and invite speakers for the conference.
A word of friendly advice to save you from disappointment: If you are a supplier of goods and services and considering submitting a proposal, be advised that without a client co-presenter your proposal stands little chance of being accepted by the advisory board.


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